Possíveis influências da inclusão escolar na reabilitação fisioterapêutica de crianças com paralisia cerebral




This qualitative research aimed to identify and critically analyze possible influences of school inclusion of cerebral palsy (CP) children in their process of physiotherapeutic habilitation/rehabilitation. A theoretical, bibliographic and documentary, as well as field research was conducted. Six physiotherapists from the city of Salvador-BA whose patients were cerebral palsy children, aged from 4 to 11 years, who frequented regular schools participated in the study. Semi-structured interviews were done, focusing the professionals vision of probable relations between physiotherapeutic rehabilitation and school inclusion of their patients. It was confirmed that school inclusion process has considerable positive influences on physiotherapeutic rehabilitation of cerebral palsy children. It was shown that physiotherapists consider school inclusion an important process and admit the benefits that regular school environment and the relationship with non-disabled children can bring for CP children. Moreover, it could be evidenced the fact that CP patient attendance to regular school influences the elaboration and the development of habilitation/rehabilitation treatment plan that the physiotherapist will outline for the child.


psicologia pessoa com deficiência physiotherapy inclusão escolar paralisia cerebral school inclusion rehabilitation person with disabilities fisioterapia cerebral palsy reabilitação

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