Possibilidades e limites da democracia deliberativa : a experiencia do orçamento participativo de Porto Alegre




This work analyzes some possibilities and limits of the experience of the Participatory Budget in the city of Porto Alegre, as an experience of deliberative democracy, pointing oút some responsible factors for the success of this shared mode~ which are: the politics will, the local associative tradition and the institutional designoConsidered as a model, or justification ideal for the exercise of the political power based in the public debate between free citizens in equal conditions of participation, the deliberative democracy advocates that the legitirnacy of the political decisions come from processes of discussions that, guided by the principles of the inclusion, the pluralism, the participatory equality, the autonomy and the social justice, give a new ordering to the logical ofthe traditional political power. For recognizing the difficulties, the dynamics and the complexity ofthe society relations, such as the social diversity ofínterests and conflicts, and inequalities, the deliberative democracy calls the attention to the issue of the institutional dimension, in the sense of the creation of conditions, so that the public debate is inc1uded, plural and equal, impacting the underlying social conditions. Yet, allowing that the growing of the deliberative public does not obstruct the canalization of the conflicts towards the common interest. When talking about the experience of the Participatory Budget of Porto Alegre, the work suggests that, besides the political-partisan project and the governmental commitment of putting into practice the experience, the participation of the local associations has conferred a new dynamics in the making of an alternative arrangement of defmition for the public budget. This new arrangement, consequently, impacts on the preexisting social political organization dynamics, and magnifying the possibilities to extend and to fortify the effectively deliberative and participatory bonds of the experience


sociedade civil orçamento desenvolvimento institucional democracia

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