Possibilidade de concretização do SUS: propostas de organização dos serviços de saúde




This study refers to the organization of the health service of the Unique System of Health (SUS - Sistema Único de Saúde). The organization of the health service is understood as a way to arrange the unities of work aiming the health of the population. It was pointed out, in the organization of the services, three fundamental elements which are interconnected: Individual Assistance-Public Health, Demand and Planning. The analysis had, as an empiric material, two proposals elaborated by doctors of the University of São Paulo (USP) and of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) who contribute to the construction of the SUS in the state of São Paulo. The axis of the analysis was centered in the discussion of the access to the health services as a right to the population. The analysis showed that there are discrepancies and confluences of the authors regarding the way they understand and defend fundamental questions, such as: epidemiology, collective health and individual necessities. It was concluded that the health services, who were only built upon the programation model, end up by blocking the access to the - demand for health services. Besides, we also found out that the individual dimension needs to be recurred in the organization of the services


servicos de saude assistencia medica programacao em saude politica de saude -- brasil saude coletiva sistema unico de saude -- brasil servico social

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