Positive integral operators and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces / Operadores integrais positivos e espaços de Hilbert de reprodução




In this work we study theoretical properties of positive integral operators on L POT. 2(X; u), in the case when X is a topological space, either locally compact or first countable, and u is a strictly positive measure. The analysis is directed to spectral properties of the operator which are related to some extensions of Mercers Theorem and to the study of the reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces involved. As applications, we deduce decay rates for the eigenvalues of the operators in a special but relevant case. We also consider smoothness properties for functions in the reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces when X is a subset of the Euclidean space and u is the Lebesgue measure of the space


decaimento de autovalores espaços de hilbert de reprodução reproducing kernel hilbert spaces teorema de mercer decay rates of eigenvalues núcleos positivos definidos mercer theorem positive definite kernels

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