POSITION CONTROL OF A COORDINATES TABLE WITH TWO DEGREES OF FREEDOM / Controle de posição de uma mesa de coordenadas de dois graus de liberdade




This work presents the simulation of a hydraulic system with two degrees of freedom used to position a load on a horizontal plane, using a Generalized Minimum Variance controller (GMV) defined by ISERMANN et al (1992). For this, the Physics laws used to determinate the mathematical linear model that represents the real hydraulic system in study are presented. After, the identification of a new model is simulated, that is used to design the GMV controller. Basically, the system is composed by: power circuit, two spool valves, two performance cylinders and a load to be positioned. The cylinder 1 moves the load in the X axis direction and the cylinder 2 moves the load in the Z axis direction. The load is coupled on the rod end of the cylinder 2, and the kit coupled on the rod end of the cylinder 1. The results obtained by GMV controlling the hydraulic system with two degrees of freedom to follow three reference ways in XZ horizontal plane, are shown and commented based on performance specifications that the system must obey.


controlador de mínima variância generalizada sistema hidráulico. engenharia mecanica hydraulic molding, generalized minimum variance controller, hydraulic system modelagem hidráulica

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