Posição Socioeconômica de origem e contemporânea e parto cesáreo em primíparas no Estudo Pró-Saúde / Origin and contempory socioeconomic position and cesarian section in primiparae in Pró-Saúde Study


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effect of the socieconomic position (SEP), both at origin and contemporary, on the cesarean section rate in primiparae (N = 1438) in the cohort of the Pro-Saude Study and the evolution of the cesarean section rates throughout time. In order to identify new births in the cohort, we used probabilistic methodology to link the Pro-Saude and the Brazilian Information System on Live Births databases. The contemporary and origin SEP were classified, respectively, based on the level of education of the primiparae and their parents, creating a four-level variable (origin contemporary SEP: high-high; high-low; low-high and lowlow). Considering the SEP group low-low as reference, we observed the following prevalence ratios for cesarean section, after adjusting for age and period of birth: high-high - 1.16 (CI 95% 1.04 - 1.31); low-high - 1.16 (CI 95% 1.03 1.30); high-low - 1.14 (CI 95% 0.98 - 1.33). The group with high contemporary SEP presented an increase of 1.5 times of the cesarean section rate in the last period evaluated (1990-2004), when compared with the initial period (1947-1979), while for the group with low contemporary SEP this increase was of 3 times. Concluding, women with high contemporary SEP, independently of the origin SEP, were more likely to have a cesarean section performed. However, the groups with low contemporary SEP presented the biggest growth of the cesarean section rates throughout time, which potentially increases the risk of complications in a group already more vulnerable.


cesárea saúde da mulher fatores socioeconômicos epidemiologia cesarean section women health socioeconomic factors

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