Portability in the private insurance / Portabilidade na Previdência complementar




Abstract The main task of this work is to study the portability institute at the private insurance organization, its legal system and the updated regulations. It has begun with the study of the legal relations among the private insurance system, in order to check if the portability works exclusively on this system, or to verify if it is also related with any other area of the legal system. This study was done regarding the essentiality of the private insurance contracts and the social security contracts. After checked the law system of the private insurance, verifying the constitutional points, the order regulations and the technical point of the subject, it is possible to conclude thru the legal system of the portability, as a propper institute of the legal relations of the private insurance, inserted on an undisposable garantee of the private institute, regarding its instrumental functions related to the constitutional commands effectivity, regarding the private social security. After all these analysis, legal system and constitutional points, regarding the lawyers activity and to the rules of the private insurance, the study was developed from a critical check up of the legal system of the portability. So, it was carefully analised the conflicts and solutions of the portability.


private previdência complementar portability insurance portabilidade direito previdência social privada

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