Por uma releitura principiológica do direito à saúde : da relação entre o direito individual a medicamentos nas decisões judiciais e as políticas públicas de saúde




This dissertation aims to investigate the effectiveness of the right to health, erected to the category of a fundamental right in art. 196 of the Constitution of 1988. The works central hypothesis is related to the possibility of, on a principle-based reading of the Constitution, the Judiciary play a relevant role in the accomplishment of this right, applying it to individual situations, without, however, eliminate a fundamental principle of Constitutional Democracy: the separation of powers. We decided to delimit the analysis to the individual right to medicine. Through the analysis of judicial precedents and doctrinal positions concerning the subject, we tried to show the way this right has been understood in Brazil. We verified that the discussion on the role of Judiciary in the realization of social rights is divided in three basic positions: (i) the conventionalist position, which conceives individual rights as egocentric titles previous to social life and against it, that or denies the possibility of a right to health as such, or that, paradoxically, alleging a pretense principle of separation of powers, conditions the guarantee of this right to the detailed and specific legislative regulation; (II) a value-based position, which is concerned in guaranteeing the right to health, however it disrespects the separation of powers and the proper notion of fundamental rights; e (III) one third position that, iin which judicial decisions have been compelling the state the positive installments in individual cases guaranteeing the basic right to the health, obligating the Public Power to provide medicines to citizens, recognizing the individual right and fortifying the collective right to health, as it pushes to executive and the legislative powers the duty to formulate consistent policies. For this position, it is the duty of judiciary power to guarantee individually the right to health in case of non-existent heath policies, what it finishes for forcing it. The teses supported in the three positions are tested on the basis of the theory of the integrity, of Ronald Dworkin, which makes possible a principle-based reading of the fundamental rights. The two first premises are refused and third one is accepted. This last one proves the central hypothesis of the work, as, in the AIDS case, it was evidenced that judicial decisions that recognized individually the right to gratuitous medicine supply for HIV patients had pressured, in a indirect and democratic way, the legislative power to the institution of consistent public politics, resulting in the Law N. 9313/96 and in the consequent recognition of the collective right to the health.


direito poder judiciário - política pública direito à saúde saúde pública

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