Por um conhecimento transdisciplinar: reflexões, trilhas e entraves / Towards a Transdisciplinary Knowledge: reflections, tracks and obstacles.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this work is to discuss the theme of knowledges production and diffusion by emphasizing, firstly, its epistemological limits (mechanistic and Cartesian paradigm) and, secondly, the richness of some inter- and transdisciplinary proposals, which, based upon different perspectives, have pointed out the necessity of redefining the disciplinary boundaries of knowledge (proposing articulation). To exploit the issue, we present some thoughts of Japiassu (2009), Morin (1998; 2007; 2009), DAmbrosio (2009) and Mariotti (2008), and try to report these ideas to Mithens (2002) conception of cognitive fluidity, which led us to suggest an epistemological fluidity as the path for inter- and transdisciplinarity. We also disccuss, from Illich (1973), the obstacles involved in this subject. One of the main difficulties is what we called the institutional characteristics of Modernitys paradigm. Would the institutions of knowledge be the thoughest barriers to transdisciplinary proposals? To answer this question, we examined the critique led by some postmodern authors, focusing on Bauman (2001) and Berger &Berger (1983). The idea was to build reflections and, from this point on, present the notion of liquid modernity (Bauman, 2001), which suggests a fast changing order that undermines all concepts of durability (related, as will be discussed, to the epistemological project of Modernity). At last, the aim was to line up this theoretical approach with some events that took place in the eighties, such as the colloquium Science before the boundaries of Knowledge (Venice, March 7th, 1986).


filosofia da educação interdisciplinaridade interdisciplinarity knowledge philosophy of education transdisciplinaridade transdisciplinarity conhecimento epistemologia epistemology

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