Por onde andam as festas? Um estudo sobre a (re) organizaÃÃo social dos moradores de Cruz das Armas, JoÃo Pessoa â PB.




The aim of the work is to understand how the social (re)organization of the inhabitants of Cruz das Armas, a peripherical and violent neighborhood, has been influenced by changes in local culture and leisure. Having as its main source the memory of the people who took part and experienced these changes, we analyze how a peripherical working class neighborhood, characterized by certain cultural practices and leisure forms which facilitated social cohesion, has become a dangerous, violent and stigmatized place with their decrease. Cruz das Armas has been trying to rebuild its image, both for the city of JoÃo Pessoa and for the neighborhood itself, and not to give up those traditional relationships which shape local sociability. It is in this sense that it has created a form of organized social action, the movement Paz e Cidadania, which mixes traditional party elements with mechanisms of political action.


violence culture sociologia leisure and sociability lazer e sociabilidade violÃncia cultura

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