Population genetic structure of lobeira (S. lycocarpum A. St.-Hil, Solanaceae), in natural and anthropogenic environmental in State of Goiás / Estrutura genética populacional em lobeira (Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil., Solanaceae), em ambientes naturais e antropizados no estado de Goiás




Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil. (Solanaceae) has a wide distribution in savanna biome. The species is common know as "fruta-do-lobo" due the "lobo-guará" frequently to eat your fruits. "Lobo-guará" is also the main seed disperser of the species. The species is used for local people to manufacture sweets and as medicine. The species flowering and produce fruits during all year, favoring pollen and seed gene flow. The species colonize easily anthropized environments, permitting your use in environmental restoration projects. The goal of this study was to characterize the genetic structure of S. lycocarpum in natural and anthropized populations, using two different kinds of genetic markers: microsatellites (SSR) and allozymes. Four populations were studied using SSR markers and two using allozyme markers, forming pair of populations (a natural and an anthropized). Two populations studied by SSR markers were located in Northeast of Goiás State and two in South of the State. The two South populations were also studied by allozyme markers. Samples were randomly collected from 60 individuals in each population, with exception in one anthropized population study by allozymes, where 41 individuals were sampled. The samples were envied to LARGEA – ESALQ/USP, where the Lab analyses were made. The genetic diversity and distribution among and within populations was quantified. Although fixation index values were highest in some populations, these values were not statistically different from zero for both used genetic markers, suggesting absence of inbreeding in the studied populations. For SSR markers, natural populations showed higher number of alleles per locus than anthropized populations. A population located in a conservation unity presents the highest number of alleles per locus and exclusive alleles, suggesting that this population have higher genetic diversity than anthropized populations. According to a X2 test, the number of SSR alleles was significantly higher that detected in anthropized population. The same was not observed for population studied by allozyme loci. The genetic divergence among populations was substantial and significant different from zero for both used genetic markers (θp=0.095 and θp=0.081 for SSR and allozymes, respectively). The genetic divergence measured by GST(Hedrick) statistic, that considerer simultaneously the kinds of alleles and gene frequency was higher for both genetic markers (SSR=0.167 and allozymes= 0.102), indicating lower historic gene flow than measured by FST statistic. The present study suggested that there are differences in genetic structure between natural and anthopized populations, where natural populations have more genetic diversity. The results from GST(Hedrick) statistic suggested that even species with wide geographic distribution and whish frequently colonizing anthropized environments, as lobeira, can experience restriction in gene flow. The present results also indicate higher genetic differentiation among population than has been related in previous population study with this species.


molecular marker solanaceae cerrado marcador molecular genética de populações population genetics cerrado solanaceae

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