Pop-management : grandes empresas de consultoria no Brasil / Pop Management : big consulting firms in Brazil




In this survey, we investigate and analyze the consulting firms in Brazil and its role in the dissemination and legitimization of new ideas and practices in management. Consulting firms are part of the management field, which also comprehends the business media, the management gurus and the business schools. Four big consulting firms participated of this study. The survey included three major activities: (1) an investigation about the theme in scholarly journals and the business media, (2) interviews with partners and key-persons of consulting firms, and (3) analysis of some typical projects implemented by these firms. We concluded that consultancies experiment complex dilemmas concerning their relationship with clients. We speculate that such organizations reproduce and adapt (in a restrict way) managerial expertise created abroad. They act also as diffusion agents of the management culture.


cultura do management empresas de consultoria expertise gerencial

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