Pontine stimulation overcomes developmental limitations in the neural mechanisms of eyeblink conditioning


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


Pontine neuronal activation during auditory stimuli increases ontogenetically between postnatal days (P) P17 and P24 in rats. Pontine neurons are an essential component of the conditioned stimulus (CS) pathway for eyeblink conditioning, providing mossy fiber input to the cerebellum. Here we examined whether the developmental limitation in pontine responsiveness to a CS in P17 rats could be overcome by direct stimulation of the CS pathway. Eyeblink conditioning was established in infant rats on P17-P18 and P24-P25 using pontine stimulation as a CS. There were no significant age-related differences in the rate or level of conditioning. Eyeblink conditioned responses established with the stimulation CS were abolished by inactivation of the ipsilateral cerebellar nuclei and overlying cortex in both age groups. The findings suggest that developmental changes in the CS pathway play an important role in the ontogeny of eyeblink conditioning.

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