Políticas públicas para a educação básica de jovens e adultos na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo - RMSP: o caso do Projovem (2005-2007) / Public policies for the education of young people and adults in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo - MRSP: the case of PROJOVEM (2005-2007)




This research Políticas Públicas para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos na RMSP: O caso do ProJovem (2006-2007) (Public Policies for National Adult and Youth Education in Public Schools of São Paulo city: The Pro Youth case (2006-2007)) brings about the history of the public policies for adult and youth education since the first official campaign for this education segment (1947) idealized by the government considering aspects of the political and economic circumstances in Brazil. It also investigates the redefinition of the State role facing the educational problems in that social segment after the 1990s changs in Educational, as well as it characterizes the different strategies used by the State to fight against the illiteracy problem. The National Youth Inclusion Program ProYouth - presents itself as the newest form of public policy for the education of adult and young people in national sphere. This program was intended for implementation in 2005 in metropolitan towns, capitals and cities with 200 thousand citiziens or more. Bearing those characteristics in mind, this work analyses the implementation of the program in ten towns in São Paulo City. It also considers the ideological and antagonic interests displayed within the public areas and how these interests implicate the execution of the proposed actions in the Pro Youth Program. Finally the research presents a brief prospective evaluation of the involved towns based on their professional choices during the implementation of the Pro Youth Program.


políticas educacionais education policies adult and youth education educação jovens e adultos

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