The object of our inquiry is the Project Esporte Cidadão / Sport Citizen, managed Colégio Salesiano Itajaí, for sports, social and the educational politics in the city of Itajaí and that involves three public schools, managed by the City Department of Education. The general purpose of the research was to investigate the contribution of the Project Esporte Cidadão for the socialization of the involved citizens in the educational activities. About three hundred pupils, monitors, managers, coordinators take part and interact in this project, and through innovative pedagogical actions, leads principles of practical directed towards the qualification of the sport in the school context. Organized into two moments from a semi-structuralized interview, the research happened having its basis in data-collecting with a quantitative analyzes followed by a qualitative one. The selected population was constituted by random sampling: thirty pupils with age between 9 and 14, ten from each one of the involved schools. It was observed that the responsibility for the destinations of the collective life makes possible motivating strategies to the pedagogical accomplishment, making possible this way, the plans of inherent developments to the specific planning of each school. The sport activities are actions that make possible the interaction among objects and contribute for changes in the social and political context. These changes configure necessities regarding the dynamics of the individual relations between social segments that can legitimize the veracity of these transformations. The responsibility of making available organizational spaces belongs to the managers of the social-educational process, for the accomplishment of programs and projects, to actualize such organizations in clear and pedagogical way. The research aims to reflect on the sport activity that, in the school environment, can stimulate alternatives of efficient work with the human body. The sport activities stimulate the ability of the pupils who interact in the pedagogical performance finding in the school determinative reference actions for the purpose. The research also allowed us to analyze the relations among the pupils in school, emphasizing individual, educational, sport and social possibilities through the conception that the school context can bring to reality significant strategies of development of the human being. In this environment of organization and planning, the sport activity while instrument of social actions, has as its goal the formation of the individual, in a way to offer chances of performances. In this sense, it was concluded that the sport activity is one of social determinants for the coexistence in a group and the development of the concept of citizenship of an individual in process of training.


educação cidadania atividade esportiva sport activity education citizenship educacao

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