Políticas públicas de educação de jovens e adultos nas escolas estaduais de São Paulo: avanços e desafios à sua consolidação




The theme of this research Education of young and adult students is due to my concern about the present educational process and its goals, concern that impelled me to understand the dynamics of actions implemented at state schools in São Paulo in connection with public education policies. The general goal was to have a full knowledge of public policies about the Education of Young and Adult Students (EJA) and to identify their real application at state schools in order to confirm to what extent the width and the contribution of this form of teaching is established in the process of basic schooling for this age bracket. Methodological procedures made recourse to theoretical bibliography, critical appraisal of records and educational practices at state schools under the jurisdiction of Diretoria de Ensino Região Caieiras (SP). Starting in the 1990s the international education plans strongly contributed to change the conception and the shape of education for young and adult students, which came to be seen as a right of any citizen throughout his life and was made into one of the forms of basic education comprised at Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (1996). Such body of laws secured to all the right of systematic schooling - primary and secondary, free of charge at any phase of life. It was also found out that at the state schools the public policies of education for young and adult students take shape in courses with sufficient offer of inscriptions and different structures and organization, everything trying to attend to the peculiarities of adult students who have not concluded primary education. However, there are still pedagogical and administrative difficulties to overcome so as to consolidate schooling quality. This certainly bears on the development of education proposals and brings effects of little consistency on the sociocultural developments of these students.


young education of e adult educacao educational politics polÍtica educacional public school escola pÚblica educaÇÃo de jovens e adultos

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