Políticas públicas de arranjos produtivos locais : um estudo de caso do APL de ovinocaprinocultura em Quixadá, Ceará




This paper focuses on the role which public policies have in the development of Local Productive Arrangements in the Northeast of Brazil. One way for the government to bolster LPAs is by creating policies which provide support and help develop such business clusters. Such policies to foster LPAs in Brazil are becoming consistent and one can already see satisfactory results. This paper analyzes, through a case study, an example of policies which have been implemented in an LPA in the Northeast of Brazil. The following question has guided this study: What are the existing public policies in the selected LPA in the state of Ceará? In order to answer the core question, this paper used a qualitative approach in the form of a case study. The main objective of this paper was to analyze the impact of public policies implemented at the sheep and goat farming LPA of Quixadá, in Ceará. Research has shown that the public policies implemented at this sheep and goat farming LPA had significant impact. According to local farmers, they have been experiencing an improvement in flock management, which in turn has resulted in increased production of dairy products; this represents significant benefits to LPA members. We also noticed the strengthening of the activity itself by means of government support, resulting in increased development for the region.


arranjos produtivos locais - dissertaÇÕes administracao de empresas clusters - dissertaÇÕes polÍticas pÚblicas - dissertaÇÕes

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