Políticas de bonificação e indicadores de qualidade: mecanismos de controle nas escolas estaduais paulistas




This investigation aims to verify whether it is possible to establish a relationship between actions and reforms or the Secretary of State for Education of São Paulo (SEESP) and the neoliberalismo developing countries. Focused the period between 1996 and 2009. Analyzed about the following reforms: the politics of subsidy implemented, from 2000 through Complementary Laws n 890/2000 establishing respectively the Management Bonus to classes support teaching and Merit Bonus to teachers in classes teaching framework for São Paulo; quality indicators Index of Development of Education of the São Paulo (IDESP) and the Program of School Quality (PQE), implanted with Resolution SE n 74/2008 and Evaluation System of Educational Achievement of São Paulo (SARESP), implanted with Resolution SE n 27/1996. The study is an analysis of official documents that govern how much the grant of subsidies on the implementation and evaluation of the quality indicators proposed by SEESP. Aspects or concepts that support the analysis were: the new liberalism strategies for education; the mechanisms of control of teachers work; the intensification of a policy result; the overall quality ratings and officers. It was used as theoretical support the following authors: Apple (1995, 1999, 2001), Cohn (2001), Gentili (2001), Frigotto (2001) and Torres (1996)


controle qualidade control quality evaluation bonus bonificação avaliação educacao neoliberalismo

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