Política pública do trabalho, emprego e renda no Brasil na década de 90 e sua interface com a política de assistência social no estado do Paraná




The new logic of capitalist accumulation is established in financial capital accumulation to the detriment of productive capital. It places the individual in presence of a new labor paradigm that deeply changes the social relations ruled for wage society. And such changes, occurred in the last decades, impact beyond the economic aspect; they also act in the individual domain in its objective and subjective conditions, causing insecurity in all senses. That is the most present feeling: insecurity in the daily life, in what concerns to the labor access and permanence, and to the social protection network. Thus, this study deals with the configuration of relations between the Labor and Income Creation Public Policy and the Social Assistance Policy, through their organization in the State of Paraná. The Social Assistance Organic Law (LOAS) among its goals propose the promotion to the labor market integration. For Social Work professionals, deepening such matter is a challenge. In order to apprehend historical, social and economic determinations of the definition process of the relation between labor and assistance items assured in the Federal Constitution as social rights -, we used bibliographical research searching for focusing the global conjuncture on the labor world problem and its particularity in Brazil, as well as the action of the State face such matter. Information resources used for the documental research and the material analysis were legal documents, minutes, reports and the state assistance plan


work servico social política pública geração de renda política de assistência social trabalho assistência social social assistance política pública de trabalho

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