Since the publication of LDB 9.394./96, guidelines which deal with Brazilian educational policy and which include Pre-school Education as an integral part of Primary Education, the question of supply and demand has been observed in this level of education. This research arose when we realized the necessity of a greater understanding of the Public Policy for Primary Education, of which Pre-school Education is a part. It is our intention to discover to what point the service to children up to six years old has been implanted and how Pre-school Education is progressing in the towns of Goiânia, Catalão, Ipameri, Palmeiras de Goiás e Urutaí in the state of Goiás, using finance as the basis of analysis. On the basis that the reality is understood from the totality, we used the historic dialectic method to provide the guidelines for this research. Thus, we analyzed the financing of Primary Education and how Pre-school Education is being catered for. We worked with quantative research as one of the instruments to understand the reality objectively. However, to facilitate interaction the results were analyzed qualatively. Descriptive studies allowed us to collect data on the availability of Pre-school Education; in the same way that bibliographical studies contributed to the arguments as to the importance of Pre-school Education for the cognitive formation of the children and for the process of their development. The theoretical basis of this research is provided by works of Kramer, Barbosa, Karl Marx, Saviani, Brzezinski, Philippe Áries, Sofia Lerche, Vygotsky, Piaget, Enguita e Perry Anderson, among others. The research is presented in three chapters. In the first Pre-school Education: historical and psycho-pedagogic aspects we deal with questions involving the battle for access to Preschool Education and its importance in the development and learning of the pupils. In the second The policy for Pre-school Education: a project in the making we speak of the policy of finance for Pre-school Education, how and why Fundef (the Fund for Primary Education) was set up and the logic that permeates it, as well as governmental norms for the financing of Pre-school Education and the contradictions present inside governmental discourse. In the last chapter Analysis of the Data we move on to the qualitative analysis of the data obtained about the five towns, returning to the importance of the National Education Plan, as the legal and legitimate instrument which defend the raising of the level of schooling of the population and the improvement in the quality of teaching in the country. In spite of the battle, Brazilian society has still not won a specific budget for the financing of education for children under six, even though Pre-school Education is part of the obligatory National Primary Education. Therefore this question is one of the contradictions in Brazilian education which must be overcome in the fight of Brazilian workers.


educacao neoliberalismo educação infantil economic policy neoliberalism pre-school education financiamento da educação política econômica financing of education

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