Política educacional do Estado de São Paulo (1995-1998): desconstrução da escola pública




The objective of our doctorate work is to find out the implications that the SEESP measures and the projects have caused to the organization of Public State Schools within the period of 1995-1998. Our hypothesis is that the Educational Politics of SEESP contribuías to the deconstruction of the Public School; it contributes to its privatization. We developed the study starting from the analysis of documents elaborated by the Ministry of the Federal Administration and State Reform (MARE), by the Ministry of the Education and Sports (MEC), by SEESP, by the Teachers Union for the Official Teaching in the State of São Paulo (APEOESP). We algo considered the influence of the written press and the interviews with Regional Teaching Leaders and School Principais belonging to the ABC region of São Paulo. The development of our work has its origin in three inquietudes that are interconnected and that pertain to our objectives. They are: 1) the SEESP measures and projects being implemented with the government speech to end the centralism and the bureaucracy of the State, of opening spaces for the participation exercise, of the autonomy and of the decentralization in public schools daily routines; 2) the educational politics of the current State of São Paulo government that rotate around the role of a Brazilian State redefinition; 3) the effectiveness of the public school that depends on its efficiency for the conduction of the school system, as well as its capacity to assist the educational demands. These inquietudes make themselves present in the theoretical readings and in the Empiric research, and make roam for pondering about the work theme. For that, we pursued the following objectives: 1) to analyze the SEESP measures and the projects in the period from 1995 to 1998, articulating them to the decentralization terms, autonomy and participation; 2) to rondar about the educational politics of São Paulo before the redefinition process of the State role; 3) to articulate the SEESP measures and projects with the administratíve, financial and pedagogic organization of the public School. Among the measures and projects implemented by SEESP, we highlighted the following: Extinction of the Teaching Regional Divisions, Indication of the Regional Teaching Leaders, Strengthening of Teaching Management, Students Registration, Schools Reorganization, Continued Progression, the Accelerated Classes, Classroom Environment, Continued Education Program, School Ouring Vacations, School Progress Evaluation System for the State of São Paulo and State Schools Regiment. The results of our study have been evidencing that the deconstruction of the Public School is becoming a reality in the politics of the State of São Paulo


escolas estaduais educacao: supervisao e curriculo ensino publico descentralizacao seesp educacao reforma educacional educacao e estado -- sao paulo (estado)

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