Pólis: reflexo das almas humanas. Contrato Social, Ética e Cidadania no diálogo Críton de Platão / Polis: human souls reflex. Social contract, Ethics and Citizenship in the Plato Criton dialogue.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Plato Criton dialogue is an excellent demonstration of Socrates\ philosophical conduct, his life decisive moment, when arrested it receives Critons proposal to leave the city, therefore, being safe of the final execution: hemlock death. Socrates, serenity as always, begins a discussion with a friend in accepting his escape request, proposing to reflect under his proposal and the current consequences in the case of accepting it. In that exam, Socrates defends essential his philosophy and life history principles, in constant ethics: never paying back evil for evil, because it would be an injustice, something unthinkable for a philosophical soul that goes on the good road and the divine contact; in his divine mission: not accepting nothing promptly without a pertinent investigation, therefore, trying to discover if it corresponds to the truth or the appearance, in this case, accepting a pre-concept with no analysis; on its political idea: Socrates, Athenian citizen, about 70 years old, he always accepted the city laws that govern birth, feeding, education, marriage, and children\ s creation, the citizenship game that allows political participation in the Assemblies for all the citizens, it could propose them laws, discussing it to vote it in order to be part in the Athens Constitution. In that citizenships principle, the citizen that dislikes such law, instead of confronting it, breaking a pact, negotiation, agreement, in city Laws, therefore, making an injustice, persuading it to be altered. Socrates, loyal to that commitment during his life path, it is not possible in accepting the escape, to hurt the city Laws, letting in social contract established by the citizens in risk, because its insult may cause a disease in city. The Athenian philosopher accepts its execution, not as the Laws victim, but by men badly judgment, because it is the divinity way. Above human laws, that must be respected, the divine laws exist, that will judge human acts.


city laws contrato social ethics Ética filosofia leis da cidade philosophy platão plato social contract

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