Policy Viewer : ferramenta para visualização de politicas de segurança em grafos / Policy Viewer: a tool for security policy visualization using graphs




The Internet brought great benefits to organizations and computer users, but has also caused a larger exposure of the computing systems connected to the network. Countless efforts are being made to contain the increasingly higher leveI of attacks that happen ali over the world, among which stands the development of safer operating systems. Un-fortunately, the adoption of these systems is still incipient, because of several obstacles involved in the processo One of them is the complexity of configuring and managing security policies.This dissertation shows aspects of operating system security and security policies stu-died during the Masters program, leading to the identification of current problems asso-ciated with them. This resulted in the project and implementation of Policy Viewer, a tool for the visualization of security policies. Its purpose is to aid the policy administrator in the comprehension, visualization and validation of operating systems security policies. The tool has been partialiy implemented with a subset of the intended functions, using the features presented in the project. Also, examples are shown to demonstrate its utility toward aiding in the process of policy configuration and in the identification of possible problems of such policies


redes de computação - administração redes de computação - sistemas de segurança computer network computer network computer operating systems sistemas operacionais (computadores) security system management

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