Polaronic effects in one and two dimensional semiconductor heterostructures. / Efeitos polarônicos em estruturas semicondutoras em uma e duas dimensões.




In this work we study the polaronic effects on the two dimensional electron gas present in semiconductor heteroestructures (GaAs-AlGaAs heterojunctions and quantum wells) when a uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the interface, using second order perturbation theory. By taking into account the effect of nonparabolicity and screening of the electron-fonon LO interaction the calculated effective mass is compared to the recent experimental date. Good agreement is found with available date. The binding energies of a hydrogenic impurity located in quantum well wires of GaAs surrounded by AlGaAs are calculated as a functions of the size of the wire for several values of the heights of the potential barriers and diferent positions of the impurity inside the wire. We follow a variational approach choosing several trial wave functions for the ground state. The polaronic contribution to the binding energy is considered. We compare our results with those previously obtained by other authors.


cyclotron resonance impureza doadora em semicondutores polaron electron-phonon interaction interação elétron-fonon fio quântico quantum wire polaron impurity donor in a semiconductor ressonância de cíclotron

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