"Pode os limiares da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca identificar os limiares metabólicos?" / CAN HEART RATE VARIBILITY IDENTIFY THE METABOLIC THRESHOLDS?




The purpose of this study was to verify the possibility of metabolic thresholds identifications through HRV. For that, 22 male volunteers [74,5 + 7,99kg, 177,0 + 8cm, 23,86 + 1,69 (body mass index) e 9,10 % fat], familiarized to cyclism practice, realized a cycloergometer test with initial load of 120W and 30W increases every 3min., until exhaustion. During all test, it was registered heart rate (HR) and its variability (HRV) and, at the end of each load, it was collected 25mL blood for lactate concentration analysis. It was applied a mathematical model to adjust HRV curve in three straight lines and first and second HRV thresholds were identified in intersections among the lines. For the identification of first and second lactate thresholds, it was considered 2,0 and 3,5mM fixed concentrations, respectively. Variance analysis for repeated measures indicated that there were no significant differences between loads in which HRV and lactate thresholds were found, showing that purposed methodology can be promissor. However, the lack of correlation between variables indicate that new studies must be made to confirm that possibility.


limiar variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca graded test threshold teste progressivo heart rate variability

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