Pobreza, segregação e redes sociais: um estudo sobre o impacto da remoção dos moradores da favela Guinle, Guarulhos/SP / Poverty, segregation and social networks: a study on the impact of the removal of inhabitants from Guinles slum, Guarulhos / SP




This dissertation presents the analysis results of the impacts on social networks caused by the removal of the inhabitants from Guinles favela, city of Guarulhos/SP, to a CDHUs housing state. The poverty is a cumulative multiple dimensions phenomenon which reinforce and reiterate hardship situations and that, therefore, would not be understood merely by economics indicators. Other elements, such as the access to public policies, the social segregation and the social relationships structure also must be considered in the study of poverty. Poverty is not only understood as lack of actives, but also as the difficult of access to opportunities structures. Therein, the residential segregation which creates obstacles that difficult the individual access to the opportunities structures , and the social networks which connect the individuals with more extensive structures , become more relevant for the study of poverty phenomenon. Under this interpretation and with the purpose of analyze the impact caused by the residential removal on the social networks; the fieldwork took place on two phases: the first one on the Guinles favela and the second on the CDHUs housing state, with exactly one year between them. In both, it was applied proper questionnaire and instrumental to social networks analysis.


habitation social networks segregação habitação redes sociais segregation poverty políticas públicas pobreza public policies

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