Pneumolysin PCR-Based Diagnosis of Invasive Pneumococcal Infection in Children


American Society for Microbiology


Blood-based pneumolysin PCR was compared to blood culture and detection of pneumolysin immune complexes, as well as to detection of antibodies to pneumolysin and to C polysaccharide, in the diagnosis of pneumococcal infection in 75 febrile children. Invasive pneumococcal infection was suspected on clinical grounds in 67 of the febrile children, and viral infection was suspected on clinical grounds in 8 of the febrile children. In addition, 15 healthy persons were examined to test the specificity of the PCR assay. Plasma, serum, and leukocyte fractions were analyzed by PCR. The combination of all test results led to the diagnosis of pneumococcal infection in 25 patients. Pneumolysin PCR was positive in 44% of these children, an increase occurred in the pneumolysin antibodies in 39% and in the C polysaccharide antibodies in 30% of the patients; pneumolysin immune complexes were found in convalescent serum in 30%, pneumolysin immune complexes occurred in acute-phase serum samples in 16%, and a positive blood culture was found in 20% of the patients. None of the healthy controls had positive results by PCR. The results suggest that the diagnosis of Streptococcus pneumoniae infection from blood samples necessitates the use of several different assays. Pneumolysin PCR was the most sensitive assay, but its clinical value is reduced by the fact that three blood fractions are needed.

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