Plataforma de software para técnicas de navegação e colaboração de robôs móveis autônomos / Software platform for autonomous mobile robot navigation and collaboration


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The navigation and collaboration are important aspects of mobile robotics. The navigation provides to mobile robots the basic skills of interaction with the environment, and the obstacles and agents located therein. The collaboration allows the robots to coordinate their navigation and interaction with the environment in a way that enables them to per-form complex tasks quickly and efficiently. This research project developed a software plat-form that supports some traditional navigation techniques and collaboration of mobile robots. With this platform, different robots can be programmed with the same software components, reducing the application s development time by encourage software reuse. Furthermore, the techniques of navigation and collaboration provided by the platform alleviate the effort to develop the control software for collaborative mobile robots, because the plat-form allows the user to focus their efforts on solving the problems relevant to the robot s application, since the navigation techniques and collaboration are provided by the platform.


software robôs móveis navegação de robôs móveis sistemas colaborativos robôs - programação software - reutilização mobile robot mobile robot navigation collaboration systems robots

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