Plant species identification based on venation system shape analysis / "Identificação de espécies vegetais através da análise da forma interna de órgãos foliares"




The plant species diversity makes their correct identification a very complex task. The traditional taxonomy models, associated with species biodiversity, has been transformed this task in a challenger for the researches. This work presents a new approach to plant species identification, based on internal characteristics of leaf form. The data are collected by computer vision and shape analysis techniques, which extracts features from complexity (fractal dimension) and biometry of plant species. The methodology efficiency was evaluated with real cases of species identification: digital images of Mata Atlântica and brazilian Cerrado species; and passion fruit species of genus Passiflora. The species classifications are performed using pattern recognition techniques as clustering and artificial neural networks.


feature extraction análise de imagens identificação de folhas leaf identification biometry image analysis taxonomy extração de características fractal dimension dimensão fractal biometria taxonomia

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