Planejamento participativo integrado: uma proposta para o turismo: o caso da bacia do Córrego Fundo, Aquidauana, MS




The planning is the search for the order of the systems, searching future desired, establishing forms of intervention, management and control. In the last years the hydrographic basins if have become important unit of study and planning, which had its necessary natural limits, place of the social relations of production, that generate constructed spaces, that reflect the moments historical. In the search of the sustainable development of hydrographic basins the planning of the productive activities is basic, so that they do not provoke disequilibria in system. The tourism, will have been developed in the optics of the sustainability, of integrated and participant form, can come to be, an activity that provides sensitization of the community, ambient conservation and development. For in such a way, the present research takes the basin of the Deep Stream (Córrego Fundo) as unit of study, to be systemic model of Participant Planning Integrated of the Tourism in Hydrographic Basins, aiming at its improvement and to contribute the sustainable integrated participant planning of this basin. Having the tourism as potential economic activity that generates complementary income and that it assists in the awareness and ambient conservation. The basin of the Deep Stream (Córrego Fundo) is situated in the city of Aquidauana, to the east of the city. The basin occupies an area of 4.609 hectares that they drain lands of Plateaus of Maracajú/ Campo Grande in direction to the depression of the river Aquidauana, comprises 14 properties that use its superficial and underground waters. The main developed partner-productive activity in the basin is cattle the extensive one of cut, for fattening. From the model of integrated participant planning of hydrographic basins questionnaires to the inhabitants and proprietors of the basin for characterization and analysis of the elements of the subsystems natural, constructed, social and productive and its interactions had been applied and elaborated a letter base. For the integrated participant tourist planning of the basin it was used of two methodologies, the Delfos technique and the execution of sensitization workshops, presentation, construction and consolidation of the plan. The used methodology provided to diverse reflections and contributions of the participants of the workshops and the Delfos questionnaires. Information these, make possible the construction of the plan.


sustainable tourism bacia hidrográfica geografia regional hydrographic basin turismo sustentável

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