Planejamento e gestão do tratamento de dejetos suínos no Distrito Federal: aplicação de instrumentos de avaliação multicriterial.




The aim of this essay is to propose and apply a multicriterial evaluation methodology to choose the best alternative of swine waste treatment for the social, economical and environmental conditions of Distrito Federal, Brazil. Alternatives for that treatment were studied among the integration of multicriterial methods, which allowed the best choice according to criteria divided in four groups of environmental impacts. The best way to treat the sewage derived from the intensive pig raising in Distrito Federal was analysed under the criteria of the Physico-Chemical, Biological-Ecological, Sociological-Cultural and Economic-Operational groups, applied to the conditions of the Cerrado Bioma. The Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) method was used to identify and to quantify the environmental impacts of this economic chain and they were gathered together in value functions according to the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method. The analysis of the results shows that the integration of these methods is a valuable tool to provide planning and environmental management and could help to choose the best alternative according to the specific conditions of Cerrado and therefore lead to an environmental quality enhancement of available environmental resources for society.


suíno - esterco suíno - distrito federal (brasil) ecologia suíno - impacto ambiental ecologia

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