Planejamento e controle da produÃÃo em empresas construtoras: estudo multicaso em construtoras de grande e mÃdio porte na RegiÃo Metropolitana do Recife




The building site companies are looking for forms of improving their productive and management processes. The search for the implementation of these processes is to improve the final products, so that the final customer will notice the value of his/her product. With the exigencies of some programs, such as, The Total Quality and Certification ISO 9000, the companies have been trying to perfect their performance on the processes. So we can certainly affirm that, the process of Planning and Production control (PCP) is extremely important for the building construction to gain quality and a better production (NEVES, COELHO e FORMOSO, 2002). The objective of this work is to identify the process of Planning and Production control (PCP), in big companies of building site, in the section of constructions, identifying if PCP is totally or partially applied and if the companies adopt acting indicators to evaluate PCP. This was held in the Metropolitan Area of Recife. The investigation was driven through interviews, with standardized form, held in certified companies of building site related to the section of constructions in the Metropolitan Area of Recife. Among the main conclusions of this study, it was highly possible to confirm the presupposition of a heterogeneous picture related to the subjects of PCP in the building site. It was also possible to conclude, that the visited companies has a structured planning process, but still in development. It was verified that the adoption of the planning approach is relevant to improve their budgets, reduce their costs, and also to drive the company to a better management process. This process will avoid a wrong decision that may increase the costs of the work and delay the delivery of the product to the final customer


construÃÃo civil engenharia de producao regiÃo metropolitana do recife gestÃo empresarial

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