Planejamento de trajetorias de um manipulador robotico usando redes neurais artificiais




The objective of this dissertation is to present the trajectory control of a SCARA type manipulator within a working volume defined by the cinematic equations. The determination of the trajectory inside the working volume is obtained using an artificial neural network ofthe type multilayer perceptron. The initial simulate, the manipulator movements between two arbitrary points in the working volume. The angular positions of each link are the input for the generation of the manipulator movements. Some of the movement simulations presented in this work show the behavior ofthe artificial neural network in the border ofthe working volume, in configurations where the traditional geometric models generally present singularities. The artificial neural network used in this work also allows mapping and control ofthe trajectories. For the experimental validation, a nonplanar robotic manipulator of two degrees of freedom of the type Robix RCS-6 (RotationalRotational) was used


robotica trajetorias espaciais manipuladores (mecanismo) redes neurais (computação) trabalho - planejamento

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