Planejamento da rede de transmissão em telecomunicações : o problema do enfeixamento




Telecommunications has experimented high growth rates, causing a rapid development of new technologies. In the transmission area, the SDH technology (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) replaces the PDH technology (Plesyochronous Digital Hierarchy), offering several improvements in management, channels add-dropping on the main stream and network security. The SDH technology allows the utilization of new structures, the rings and chains, that need perceptive planning for their installation. The telecommunication network planning is divided in several phases. The one that defines the transmission equipment set, the network logical topology and the demand routing among central offices is named "Bundling". This work presents an optimization model for the "Bundling" phase. It is a Mixed Integer Linear Problem with integer variables (facilities) and real variables (flow on path). It can be defined as a multi-commodity flow problem implemented in path flow approach. The optimization technique used was the branch-and-bound. The kernel of this work is a computer program that produces a mathematical model suited for the CPLEX solver. Results from real problems are presented at the end of the work


analise de redes (planejamento) modelos matematicos otimização combinatoria telecomunicações

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