Comparative study of bacterin immune therapy and two antibiotic pulse therapies protocols for the management of canine idiopathic recurrent superficial pyoderma / Estudo comparativo da eficácia da imunoterapia com bacterina e de dois esquemas de pulsoterapia antibiótica no manejo de piodermites superficiais idiopáticas recidivantes caninas




Superficial and deep pyodermas are common canine skin disorders in the small animal dermatology practice. Among the superficial form, the bacterial folliculitis and superficial spreading pyoderma represent the great majority of cases. Some dogs are affected by idiopathic, chronic and recurrent type of superficial pyoderma. Despite a rigorous search for possible reasons for its etiology, sometimes it is not possible to determine an underlying cause for the disease recurrence. At variable time periods, these dogs show frequent recurrent episodes, after the interruption of antibiotic therapy. For these patients, the veterinary medicine literature recommends the use of the controversial immune therapy or antibiotic pulse therapy. Thus, using the University of Sao Paulo / Dermatology Services casuistry the present study aimed to determine the major bacterial species responsible for pyodermas, their susceptibility to several bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics as well as compare the efficacy and safety of three different therapeutics protocols for the long term management of idiopathic recurrent superficial pyoderma. A total of 23 male and female, purebred dogs from different ages were randomly allocated in three distinct experimental groups (G I, G II and G III), respectively treated with bacterin immune therapy, "weekend" antibiotic pulse therapy and "week on - week off" antibiotic pulse therapy, receiving cephalexin PO. S. intermedius was identified from 67,6 % of the totality of bacterial isolates and the remaining 32,4 % was composed of S. hyicus, S. schleiferi subspecie coagulans, S. warneri and Micrococcus sp. According to the antimicrobial susceptibility results the more effective drugs were amoxicillin plus potassium clavulanate, cephalexin and ceftioufur. In percentage values a full response of 50,0 %, 33,3 % and 28,6 % was achieved in Groups I, II and III, respectively. On the other hand, when the comparison was made considering full and moderate together the values were 83,3 %, 50,0 % and 42,9 % for Groups I, II and III, respectively. Through a statistical analysis (Qui score test) no significant difference (p >0,05) among the response to treatment percentage values was observed for the three groups. All treatments were secure and no drug eruption side effects were observed.


imunoterapia bacterina estafilocócica immunotherapy piodermite recidivante pulsoterapia pulse therapy cães staphylococcal bacterin dogs recurrent pyoderma

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