Physical, chemical, nutritional and microbiology evaluation of mortadelas formulated with mixture of blood and whey protein concentrate / Avaliação física, química, microbiológica e nutricional de mortadelas formuladas com misturas de sangue suíno e concentrado protéico de soro de leite




Looking for a greater utilization of animal blood and whey for human consumption, it was evaluated the effect of substituting 10% of meat in mortadela for different mixtures of swine blood (treated or not with carbon monoxide) and whey protein concentrate (WPC), on color CIE values (L*, a*, b*, c*, h* and ?E*), chemical composition (moisture, protein, lipid, ashes, carbohydrate and iron), texture parameters (hardness, springiness and cohesiveness), microbial (Coliformes to 45 C, Staphylococcus positive coagulase and Clostridium sulfite reducers) and protein quality (PER, NPR and PDCAAS). Data of nine mortadelas formulations (M1 - 100% blood, M2 - 80% blood and 20% WPC, M3 - 60% blood and 40% WPC, M4 - 40% blood and 60% WPC, M5 - 20% blood and 80% WPC, M6 - 100% WPC, M7 - 100% blood treated with CO, M8 - 60% blood treated with CO and 40% WPC, and M9 - 20% blood treated with CO and 80% WPC) was contrasted against those of the control mortadela (without addition of blood and WPC). Color evaluation showed that L* values increased with the decrease in blood addition or increase of CPS. L* value of every mortadela formulation differed (P <0.05) from the control mortadela; and mortadelas formulated with CO treated blood had higher (P <0.05) L* values than their similar formulations based on regular untreated blood. a* values increased by increasing blood or decreasing WPC addition. a* values of formulations M5, M6 and M9 did not differ (P >0.05) from that of the control. Formulations based on CO-treated blood had similar a* values (P >0.05) than those of similar formulations using untreated blood. b* values increased with decrease in blood or increase of WPC addition. Formulations M4, M5 and M6 had similar (P >0.05) b* values to those of the control. The mortadela s M8 e M9 based on utilization of CO-treated blood had lower b* values (P <0.05) at the mortadelas M3 e M5 based on utilization of untreated regular blood. Decreasing blood, or increasing WPC, addition in the formulation resulted in an increase in h* values. Hue (h*) value of formulation M5 was similar (P >0.05) to those of the control. The mortadelas M7 e M8 based on utilization of CO-treated blood had lower h* values (P <0.05) at the mortadelas M1 e M3 based on utilization of untreated regular blood. c* values of the evaluated formulations differed (P <0.05) from that of the control, and was not affected by blood or WPC addition nor by the type of blood used, except for the mortadela M7 that presented the largest value of c* and it differed of MC (P <0.05). Regarding the control, formulation M6 presented the lowest color difference (?E*), described as "weakly percepted". ?E* values increased with the increase in blood, or with the decrease in WPC addition and was not affected by the type of blood used. Mortadelas composition was not affected (P >0.05) by the substitution of 10% meat for any of the blood and WPC mixtures. None of the evaluated formulations differed from the control regarding the texture parameters (hardness, springiness and cohesiveness). Microbial evaluation showed that every formulated mortadela had Coliforme at 45 C, Staphylococcus positive coagulase and sulfite reducing Clostridium counts bellow the Brazilian legislation. Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Net Protein Ratio (NPR) and Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of the tested formulations were similar (P >0.05) to those of the control mortadela.


whey sangue avaliação microbiológica valor protéico mortadela soro de leite tecnologia de alimentos physical-chemical evaluation microbiological evaluation mortadela avaliação fisico-química protein content blood

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