Photoperiodic information acquired and stored in vivo is retained in vitro by a circadian oscillator, the avian pineal gland


The National Academy of Sciences


Endogenous circadian rhythms have been described in a wide range of organisms from prokaryotes to man. Although basic circadian mechanisms at the molecular level are genetically fixed, certain properties of circadian rhythms at the organismic level can be modified by environmental conditions and subsequently retained for some time, even in organisms shielded from 24-hr environmental variations. To investigate the capacity of animals to acquire and store photoperiodic information, we examined activity and melatonin rhythms in house sparrows during synchronization to two different photoperiods and during subsequent prolonged darkness. Under constant environmental conditions, intact animals continued to have long feeding activity times when previously exposed to long days and short feeding activity times when previously exposed to short days. Correspondingly, significantly different durations of elevated melatonin in the plasma directly reflected the differences in night length during synchronization as well as during prolonged darkness. Additionally, we found a significant difference in the amplitude of the nocturnal melatonin signal, which also was conserved in prolonged darkness. To investigate whether the photoperiodic experience of an intact animal can be “memorized” by an isolated component of its circadian pacemaking system, we have investigated in vitro melatonin release during continuous darkness from explanted pineal glands of house sparrows after in vivo synchronization to two distinct photoperiods. Differences in the durations of elevated melatonin occurred during the first two cycles in culture and a difference in melatonin amplitude was detectable during the first night in culture. Our data indicate that photoperiodic patterns imposed on sparrows during in vivo synchronization can be maintained as an internal representation of time within the isolated pineal gland. Hence, the pineal gland, as one of the most significant components of the songbird circadian pacemaker, not only has the capacity to autonomously produce circadian rhythms of melatonin release but also is capable of storing biologically meaningful information experienced during previous cycles.

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