Photographhic Palimpsests. Images, reminiscences and identifications in memory narratives by elderly. Londrina, Paraná state of Brazil, 2006-2008 / Palimpsestos fotográficos : imagens, lembranças e identificações em narrativas de memória por pessoas idosas. Londrina, Paraná, 2006-2008




This work researches elderly memory narratives, composed by relationships involving personal photographs and reminds. Starting from a cultural project experience, developed between the years of 2007 and 2008, at Londrina, Paraná state, where each person built a memories álbum collecting photos, handwrites and hand skills in order to arrange an artistic narrative about life experiences. This process was also registered on vídeo in order to edit documentaries about relapsed subjects which expressed generation identifications: most of the participants were women who lived, some time of their lives, a transition from rural to urban places, starting from the second half of twentieth century, and shared life experiences living at countryside farms of the Paraná and São Paulo states. The materials generated in the cultural action set up the research sources, which counted on also a qualitative research through interviews involving three participants from the cultural action. The researchs results express some methodology purposes for historical work which can open the research field to the cultural action. Purposes about work with photographs as interviews investigation tools, and as results exhibition, are traced as sensitive ways to research and work with elderly. This work also draws research results possibilities of circulation by several medias from the contemporary visual (and sonorous) regimes


fotografias photographs memórias elderly fotografias memories história idosos londrina (pr) história visual londrina (pr) visual history envelhecimento historiografia história oral historia oral history

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