Photo quite graphy : the event through school photographs / Foto quase grafias : o acontecimento por fotografias de escolas




The thoughts of this study are interpolated with photographs of everyday school scenes, produced by educators, as well as with sayings around these images in courses on photography language and the education that I performed between 2003 and 2006. From these encounters with people, with their photographs and readings, the advent of restlessness: what lies in these habitual gestures of photographing and of looking at school photographs? How does the creation of senses through these sayings with images take place? With what forces, what tensions? The photographs produced in schools seem to aim at eternising moments of a space of passage, at leaving marks of experiences, at opening windows into the past time. Images which enter the game of will of time retention, yet inexorably, the photographs cast us into senses with no place in time. Suspended fragments, with no before or after, between death and life, between the wound and the scar, between deep windows and surfaces. The event through photographs in this paper is thought, specially for this time instability, as a potent unbalance in the creation of senses. Within this tension of oppositions which inhabits the photographs, the impossible differentiation between what is captured and what evanesces, between the retained past and the ever escaping present of thought. In this inappropriable fissure, in this impossibility of a just, fixed and ultimate sense, the search for a poetics and for a visual policy, for a saying/thinking through images of common scenes which approaches the open and the unpredictable. Thoughts which take place in the mid-place of a differential tension between photography, education and philosophy, specially the ones of Roland Barthes e Gilles Deleuze.


fotografia linguagem imagem escolas

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