Phospholipid composition of gliding bacteria: oral isolates of Capnocytophaga compared with Sporocytophaga.


The distribution of acetone-soluble (neutral glycolipid) and acetone-insoluble (phospholipid isoprenoids) lipids in oral isolates of gram-negative gliding bacteria of the genus Capnocytophaga was compared with those in a non-host-related gliding bacterium, Sporocytophaga myxococcoides. The acetone-soluble material accounted for 34 to 55% of the extracted lipids; the remainder was acetone-insoluble material. The major phospholipid was phosphatidylethanolamine (67%), with lesser amounts of lysophosphatidylethanolamine and several unidentified phosphate-containing compounds. Capnocytophaga also contained significant amounts of an ornithine-amino lipid.

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