Philosophical and Political Fundamentals of school inclusion: a study on teaching staff subjectivity / Fundamentos filosóficos e políticos da inclusão escolar: um estudo sobre a subjetividade docente




This work aims to investigate the psychological bases of school inclusion. It has been based on a theoretical study and on an empiric description of the subjectivity of the teachers of students with special educational needs. From the documents study and from specialized literature, it has come across the axiological fundamental of the inclusive education. It started, then, to reflect on the contradictions of sustaining the educational speech in universal humanitarian values while contemporaneity has dehumanized and considered such values as old-fashioned or illusory ones. By taking the critical theory of the society as reference, Frankfurt School, this research has sought to find in contradictions factors that stimulate and transform: the own values, which have not been illusory once they have been derivate from the material conditions of existence, but may be subjected to become old-fashioned with time if denied and forgotten. The liberation and transforming social powers have made a retreat in the individual sphere, even if declining due to massification in an administrated society that eliminates differences. If the values recognition has occurred in the social, juridical and affective spheres, before the crisis of the two first spheres, it is worthy to question how it has subsisted in the third, in the individual subjectivity. Therefore, the objective of identifying attitudes and values, in the teachers, related to school inclusion and to students with special educational needs, has been imposed, once teachers deal directly and longer with students. Some psychological categories as collective and individual ideals, fantasy, identification, compassion, attitudes, beliefs, values and prejudice were taken as guiding the empirical section of the research. By considering that the privileged mean of expression of those categories has been the speech, an interview technique of free speech was utilized with seven teachers of level one from a Municipal Elementary School in Sao Paulo. The analysis and interpretation of the interviews passed through themes such as bad work conditions of teaching staff, physical and emotional health issues, lack of professional recognition, little identification with the educational policy, non-information in relation to school inclusion, the need of continuous work formation that provides sense to practice, abandonment and helplessness sensation. The equalitarian values have been maintained, although dislocated from the school life. Fantasies in relation to another education, less focused on useless content, but more playful and free, have subsisted. The relationship with people with special needs has transformed attitudes and has generated some potential to receptivity and welcoming. The opportunities of reflection on the practice and the participation in formation courses have been presented as reducers of anxiety and transformers of conceptions. The thesis has been closed considering that the presence of the contradictions of the education for all history, materialized in affections and in the teachers representations, has been maintained alive, through the school inclusion proposal, a project of education that promotes emancipation. It is necessary, however, that, beyond the speeches, the work conditions may be transformed, which have been opposite powers in the teachers to favorable elements to inclusion. Works on teachers formation and school psychology that emphasize the attitudes in relation to the inclusion of all students may bring significant contributions, starting at school, a fight movement against the barbarity.


educação inclusiva school psychology educational psychology subjectivity inclusão escolar subjetividade psicologia educacional psicologia escolar inclusive education direitos humanos human rights school inclusion

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