Phenomenology of Mediumistic Experiences, Profile and Psychopathology of Spiritist Mediums / "Fenomenologia das experiências mediúnicas, perfil e psicopatologia de médiuns espíritas"




Objectives: This study describes the social-demographic profile and psychopathology of Spiritist mediums, history and phenomenology of their mediumistic experiences. Methods: One hundred fifteen actively practicing medium subjects (27 male and 88 female) were randomly selected from different Kardecist Spiritist Centers in the City of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In the early phase of the study, all participants completed social-demographic and mediumistic activity questionnaires, SRQ (Self-Report Psychiatric Screening Questionnaire) and SAS (Social Adjustment Scale). All medium subjects (n = 12) identified by the SRQ with probable psychopathology, and a control group (12 healthy subjects) were submitted to interview using: the DDIS(Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule), SCAN (Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry), and a qualitative interview. Results: Females were 76.5% of the sample, sample mean age was 48.1 ± 10.7 years; 2.7% of the subjects were currently unemployed; and 46% of the sample had a college degree. Participants indicated being Spiritist for an average of 16.2 ±12.7 years, having a mean of 3.5 different types of mediumistic abilities (receiving/embodiment of an spiritual entity 72%; seeing 63%; hearing 32%; and automatic writing 23%). Each mediumistic modality was carried out an average of 7 to 14 times a week with no gender difference; 7.8% of the medium subjects exhibited a minor psychiatric disorder according to the SRQ, and the entire sample scored 1.85 ± 0,33 points in the SAS. There was a significant correlation between social adjustment scores and SRQ psychiatric symptoms (r= 0,38 p<0,001). There was no significant correlation between the degree of mediumistic activity and either SRQ or SAS scores. Medium subjects differed from dissociative identity disorders subjects and displayed 4 Schneiderian first rank symptoms for schizophrenia that were unrelated to either the SRQ or SAS scores. Four distinct modes of emergence of mediumistic symptoms were recorded: isolated symptoms during childhood, isolated symptoms during adulthood, spontaneous mood fluctuations, and formal courses in mediumistic ability development. A full mediumistic trance process begins with: sensing another presence, experiencing a variety of physical symptoms and feelings, and experiencing vibratory frequencies which subjects attributed to an external source, or spiritual entity. Subsequently, subjects begin to feel pressure in the area of the throat and an unplanned speech is mechanically voiced. Intuition is characterized by the emergence of thoughts and/or images not recognized by the subjects as their own. Hearing and seeing are characterized as the awareness of images and voices within the internal psychic space or as an external object. Full mediumistic trance was recorded exclusively within the Spiritist Centers however all other mediumistic experiences were recorded both inside and outside these centers. Conclusions: The medium subjects included in this analysis displayed evidences of having a high social-educational level, a low prevalence rate of minor psychiatric symptoms and a sound level of social adjustment. Mediumistic trance is very possibly an experience other than a Dissociative Identity Disorder. The majority of the subjects experienced the onset of mediumistic experiences during childhood, and the mediumistic process was characterized by experiences of replacement of the ego mind, or visual and/or auditory hallucinations not necessarily related to a definite diagnosis of schizophrenia.


classification transtornos dissociativos classificação psychotic disorders transtornos psicóticos spiritualism etnologia psicologia spiritism religião e psicologia epidemiologia epidemiology espiritualismo religion and psychology dissociative disorders espiritismo psychology ethnology

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