Pharmacokinetic Properties In Silico Modeling for New Chemical Entities Evaluation. / Modelagem In silico de propriedades farmacocinéticas para a avaliação de candidatos a novos fármacos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The pharmacokinetic (PK) processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME), have been identified as one of the major causes of new chemical entities (NCEs) failure in early clinical trials. In silico models are receiving increased attention in recent years from the pharmaceutical industry, which is integrating a paradigm of multiple pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties optimization for the development of NCEs. ADME properties can be studied by in silico methods, such as quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) or structure-property (QSPR), among other methodologies. The main goal of this PhD thesis was to study the quantitative relationships between chemical structure and pharmacokinetic properties, such as intestinal absorption, CYP mediated first pass metabolism, blood brain barrier permeability, as well as other important events that have influence on these PK properties, such as P-glycoprotein inhibition and water solubility. In the present work, standard data sets were organized encompassing the structural information and corresponding pharmacokinetic data. The standard data sets established the scientific basis for the development of predictive models using the hologram QSAR (HQSAR) method. The final HQSAR models possess high internal and external consistency with good correlative and predictive power for endpoint PK properties. All in silico models generated and standard data sets are freely available on the internet through the Database for Pharmacokinetic Properties (PK/DB - Due to the simplicity, robustness and effectiveness, these models are useful guides in Medicinal Chemistry in the early stages of the drug discovery and development process.


base de dados database farmacocinética hologram qsar holograma qsar medicinal chemistry modelagem molecular molecular modeling pharmacokinetic química medicinal

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