PH metric method for the determination of nicotinic acid in plasma.


The acidimetric method for the determination of nicotinic acid (NA) using Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 (Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5) has been simplified and thus made less time consuming, and the sensitivity has been increased fivefold by replacement of the titration by a pH determination. As the regression of the decrease in pH on the amount of NA was found linear within a range of 1 to 4 ng of NA per ml, the calculations were performed according to the slope-ratio principle. The NA concentration of plasma was determined with a coefficient of variation of 5 to 7%, which rose to about 10% at low NA concentrations. Assays of fasting plasma samples from 13 hyperlipidemic male patients showed a group mean NA concentration of 80 +/- 55 ng/ml (mean +/- 2 standard deviation), before treatment, and 705 +/- 544 ng/ml (mean +/- 2 standard deviation) during therapy with sustained release NA preparations, of which a single dose, ingested during steady-state conditions, doubled or tripled the plasma concentration within 1 to 3 h.

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