Pessoas em situação de rua na cidade de São Paulo: itinerários e estratégias na construção de redes sociais e identidades / Homeless people in the city of São Paulo: routes and strategies in the construction of social nets and identities




Homeless population, as social group, transits between vulnerability and disaffiliation zones (as defined by Robert Castel), for it is frequently submitted to unemployment or temporary jobs and a trajectory marked by ruptures. In many cases, the assistance net is the fundamental element in its daily organization. That social group heterogeneity constitutes a premise of this study. Inside such diversity, groups and people were identified as a possibility of reference for the discussion of endogenous/interior (and auto-organizing) ways of overcoming that condition. Therefore, this study focus on comprehending the process opposed to the movement of social dissociation, besides covering the development of such strategies as the creation of social nets and the identity strengthening. This ethnographic research involved extended close acquainting with the study group and their ways of life. Data collection took 12 months in 2006, with field observation, interviews and document collecting. Five collaborators were interviewed, and their city circuits and points were visited. Criteria for including collaborators included to be engaged in a lodging program, to participate in a political organization (specific social movements), to integrate relationship nets of religious character, to integrate circuits linked to art and culture, to use services of the assistance net as complementary resource for the daily organization, and to have ways of income generating. Besides these dimensions, that suggest different social participation forms, another criterion for selecting collaborators was to be or to have been homeless for more than two years. Analysis was conducted under two perspectives. First, with reference to each collaborator life story reconstitution, with the main objective of showing their interdependence nets, which transcend assistance circuits, and discussing its singularity in the constructing process of identities able to re-signify and give historicity to the homeless condition. The other analysis perspective was to start from the perception of common axes and themes the contribute to the rethinking possible connections, assistance propositions and other proximity nets, dealt in items referring social assistance, political participation and education. It was observed the construction of disaffiliation-opposed movements, a process that signify the construction of diversified identities that make relative and contextualize the place attributed to homeless people, normally associated to unsuccessfulness and dependence on official services. Notwithstanding, it is urgent to produce preventive situations and collective wayouts. The study of social nets in occupational therapy field may contribute to the construction of socio-cultural reading and analyzing tools, as well as to the development of methodological procedure in social occupational therapy, that is, social intervention in which cultural universe and users participation are guidelines for personal and collective projects formulation


social isolation terapia ocupacional community networks pessoas em situação de rua homeless persons occupational therapy isolamento social redes comunitárias

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