Pesquisa e desenvolvimento de biomateriais: estudo das inter-relações científicas, tecnológicas e normativas / Research and development of biomaterials: study of scientific, tecnological and regulatory inter relationship


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The history of research and development of biomaterials and medical device has been shown the application of unsafe products on the market, which were the cause of deaths and injuries in patients. For that reason, it can be said that various sectors of industry, academic representatives, government regulation and quality control of products, are under increasing pressure for integration and education of the participants. With these in mind, this research has become a diagnosis of the interrelationships that are present in this scenario. This diagnosis was conducted through ethnographic research between August 2008 and August 2010 in order to recognize and analyze the scientific, technological and regulatory relationships in the field of biomaterial. In this course it was used use the standard ISO 10.993, which deals with biological assessments of biomaterials, for approximation to the studied groups. The research involved: 1. Observation of laboratory practice and two graduate courses offered at IPEN / SP: \"Introduction to Biomaterials\" (TNM5782) and \"Biomaterial - Properties and Evaluation\" (TNM 5783), 2. Participation in the Latin American Congress of Biomaterials and Artificial Organs (COLAOB) and events sponsored by the National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCT) Biofabris, and 3. Organization of a meeting biomaterial research groups at IPEN. The meeting and lectures were videotaped, transcribed and analyzed. The results showed the great achievements of the biomaterials academic programs and the integration of the various professionals backgrounds who work in this field. In terms of technological application, the implication of researchers with industrial and regulatory aspects becomes present in academic daily work. Therefore, it was pointed out the importance of the interactions between researchers with the others spheres and discussed the possibilities of integration of political, social, organizational and cultural subjects in this context.


biocompatibility biomateriais biomaterials communications comunicação interdisciplinaridade medical supplies normalização qulity control regulamentação standardization

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