Pesquisa de conteÃdos na web: copiar e colar ou estratÃgias para construÃÃo do conhecimento?




Debating the use of Information Technology and Communication is crucial for the proposal of effective changes in the academician practice, in order to overcome some of the various difficulties the compromise the quality of Brazilian Education. Associated to this aspect we can perceive that the research of contents in schools and universities are not contributing for a significant learning. Even more with the use of the Web as a source of research. So being, our objective, in this paper, was to investigate the strategies the teachers of superior education use to orientate their students to accomplish content researches and what the abilities and necessary actions to content researches which provide de construction of significant knowledge to students, aiming the presentation of a research of content proposal in the Web. We had as theoretical Systems Thinking and Complexity that support our comprehension of the world, and as pedagogical support the constructivist conception of teaching and learning. In order to achieve our goals we accomplished two studies. The first investigated the strategies of research orientation from professors of the superior education, through open quizzes, considered enlightened by the content analysis We concluded that the professors donât possess clear and organized strategies to orientate their students to accomplish a content research. With these results we developed our second study, where we suggested a content research proposal in structure net that was applied three times with classes of graduated students. These applications were analyzed and purified enlightened by the theory of cognitive flexibility, such as our comprehension of the object of research. The proposal of content research in net structure considers some abilities and principles so that a significant learning can be acquired, from that perspective of knowledge construction. We conclude that in order to accomplish a content research through the web in order to acquire knowledge and not only reproduce information, itâs necessary that the professor orientates his students to mobilize and consider, consciously, some abilities and principles. Our net structure content research proposal, however, orientates that this principles and abilities should be considered and mobilized in a complex and interrelated way if we want this proposal to achieve a significant learning. This study contributes to a better comprehension of the use of Information Technology and Communication in Education, especially, the internet and to the necessity of reformulation of the courses of teacher formation in which the specificity of technology to learning is considered. It also indicates that much more than a change of culture of the copy and paste, itâs necessary a transformation in the physical and curricular structures of the school, in order to offer a complex and flexible learning


pesquisa escolar na web tecnologia educacional educational tecnology web-based research school rresearch pesquisa escolar educacao

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