Perspectivas de financiamento de parques tecnológicos: um estudo comparativo / Technology Parks Financing Perspectives: a comparative study.




The intense competition globalized market in which firms and countries are inserted, demand from them a constant search for innovation. Among the habitats to stimulate innovation that have several initiatives around the world, including Brazil, there are the called Technology Parks. One of the biggest challenges faced in the process of planning, implementation and operation of these complex enterprises is to raise the necessary funds. Then, a question emergens: what are the financing perspectives that the Technology Park management institutions have for the planning, implementation and operation of this kind of enterprises? As an attempt to answer this question, the aim of this research was to identify the financing perspectives used in these stages of the development of the following enterprises: Tecnopuc, Pólo de Informática de São Leopoldo and Sapiens Park, in Brazil; Biocant Park and Taguspark, in Portugal; and Cartuja 93 Technology Park, in Spain. For this purpose, a bibliographic research was realized in innovation and its implications for the new enterprise net configuration, technology parks and financing of technology parks, what built the theory base to support the analysis of the cases. In the end, it?s presented a comparative analysis of the financing perspectives used by these enterprises in the several stages of development.


financiamento de parques tecnológicos. technology parks parques tecnológicos technology parks financing.

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