Permanent water conservation programs in university campi: the Water Conservation Program of the University of São Paulo. / Programas permanentes de uso racional da água em campi universitários: o Programa de Uso Racional da Água da Universidade de São Paulo.




In the context of the increasing water issues concerns, solutions at different levels have been adopted in Brazil and worldwide. As an example of actuation at the building systems level, water conservation has been the object of several studies. In this work, the activities to be fulfilled in the implementation of a Permanent Water Conservation Program, specially when applied to university campi, as well as the possible results are evaluated under a system approach. Campi characteristics such as area, number of buildings, population, and high water consumption, besides the development of multiple activities, show the importance of this issue and justify the concerns. The Program planning, pre-implantation, implantation and post-implantation activities, besides the water demand management activities - that must be carried out throughout the program - are evaluated then. As results of this structured implementation, it is proposed as impacts - the water consumption reduction, and as effects - the changes in the water supply systems, in administrative and building maintenance routines, in design parameters, in the technological development of fixtures, in the awakening for the alternatives water sources, and in the users behavior. The implementation and the results of the Water Conservation Program of the University of São Paulo (Programa de Uso Racional da Água da Universidade de São Paulo - PURA-USP) finish the work. The PURA-USP, in development since 1998, achieved as impacts, until 2003, 36% of water consumption reduction (from 137,881 to 88,366 m³/month) and gathered net benefit of US$ 16.13 millions (R$ 46,61 milhões).


pura-usp campi universitários uso racional da água gestão da demanda de água water demand management pura-usp university campi water conservation

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