Perímetro de proteção do Centro Histórico de João Pessoa: três décadas de história




This essay discusses the process of delimitation of protection polygonal to the Historic Center of João Pessoa - Paraíba, in the period of 1975 to 2007. The essay observes the way of delimitation adopted in Recife - Pernambuco, São Luís - Maranhão and São Cristóvão - Sergipe, and do a scan on the concept of heritage and the urban environment as whole, was adopted by the society and the professionals as cultural heritage. There were different ways to define: those who value the good architectural insulated and demanded the protection of environment, those who identified small portions of urban areas and provide strict protection and transition areas, those who defined a large polygon of protection without differentiation of the degree protection, those who set the whole urban area of the city as well to be protected or, the city was registered without a polygonal been defined. The delimitation of the Historic Center of João Pessoa has characteristics such as the international influence through the agreement with the AECI - Spanish Agency of International Cooperation and technical training of professionals in the construction of polygonal protection. Its definition unique and not on island, represents the monitoring of the current international protection, however, is absent the differentiation of the degree of protection for each landscape unit that is part of the whole city or even to distinguish between the area of strict preservation and the transition zone.


conservação engenharias patrimônio cultural traçado urbano

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